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Kayaking the Deschutes River in Bend, Oregon.

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Walter Brown

Hometown and State: Bend, OR
College or University Name: Bushnell University
Major: Business
Minor: Marketing
Class Standing: Freshman
Pronouns: He/Him

Why was this scholarship meaningful to you?

Thank you so much for this scholarship. It means a lot to me when people are willing to help students in their education. You are helping me to be able to continue moving forward in my education and I really appreciate that.

After graduation, I plan to…

After graduating from Bushnell, I plan to start of small. I'll get my foot in the door of business management and start making connections. After a few years of that, I plan to begin starting multiple businesses.

Why did you choose your college and major?

I chose to major in business and marketing because I want to be a business owner. I have always had the goal of creating a company that will help others and not be looked at as a big corporation. With the degree I am seeking, I will be able to learn how to do that and be successful.

Yamile Correa

Hometown and State: Portland, OR
College or University Name: Multnomah University
Major: Psychology
Class Standing: Freshman
Pronouns: She/Her

Why was this scholarship meaningful to you?

This scholarship helps me a lot with expenses and makes me want to succeed even more, for not only myself, but my daughter and family. Thank you so much.

After graduation, I plan to…

Become a therapist or counselor.

Why did you choose your college and major?

I heard so many great things about Multnomah, so there was no doubt I would like it here. I chose psychology as my major because I love helping those around me.

This photo was taken in the Multnomah University parking lot after I finished my classes.

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A fun weekend beach trip with friends.

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Alyssa Dixon

Hometown and State: Salem, OR
College or University Name: Pacific University
Major: Computer Science
Minors: Mathematics, Business Administration
Class Standing: Sophomore
Pronouns: She/Her

Why was this scholarship meaningful to you?

I am truly grateful for this scholarship because it relieves some of my financial burden for the semester. I appreciate being able to focus more time and energy on my studies without the added worry of finances.

After graduation, I plan to…

After graduation, I want to utilize my education and resources to meet the digital needs of others by becoming a software developer.

Why did you choose your college and major?

I chose Pacific University because the campus is beautiful, and I relished the opportunity to really get to know my professors. The school is very welcoming, and the computer science department prepares their students well for the future. I chose my major after taking an intro computer science class where I realized that I find coding and solving problems fun and would love to make a career out of it.

Yesenia Esquivel

Hometown and State: McMinnville, OR
College or University Name: Linfield University
Major: Accounting
Minor: Wine Studies
Class Standing: Sophomore
Pronouns: She/Her

Why was this scholarship meaningful to you?

This scholarship is meaningful to me because it shows how much others can care for the betterment of younger generations.

Why did you choose your college and major?

I chose my Linfield University because it’s a small school with lots of opportunities for its undergraduates.

After graduation, I plan to…

I plan on pursuing a career as a CPA in the state of Oregon.

At the Oregon coast. 

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My senior photo.

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Aviana Gonzalez

Hometown and State: Beaverton, OR
College or University Name: Multnomah University
Major: Psychology
Class Standing: Freshman
Pronouns: She/Her

Why was this scholarship meaningful to you?

This scholarship ultimately helped pay for my college. I don’t come from a lot of money so any kindness means the world. Thank you!

After graduation, I plan to…

pursue a master’s in criminology.

Why did you choose your college and major?

I chose Multnomah University because I wanted to go somewhere small, and the athletics helped support the cost of my tuition.

Dale Krenz

Hometown and State: Beaverton, OR
College or University Name: George Fox University
Major: Nursing
Class Standing: Sophomore

Why was this scholarship meaningful to you?

This scholarship was so unexpected and a gift I didn't even know was available to me. I am so thankful and appreciative of the OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation Scholarship. With school being so expensive, this will help me achieve my goal of being a nurse someday.

Why did you choose your college and major?

I chose George Fox University because they have one of the best nursing programs in the country. I also wanted to further my learning of biblical theology.

After graduation, I plan to…

After graduation, I plan to take the NCLEX exam. I want to work as a nurse at a healthcare facility that specializes in pediatric oncology.

This is me and my daughter, who is also going to be a nurse.

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Out eating sweets with friends.

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Quyen Le

Hometown and State: Portland, OR
College or University Name: University of Portland
Major: Nursing
Class Standing: Senior
Pronouns: She/Her

Why was this scholarship meaningful to you?

This scholarship helped alleviate some of the financial burdens that my family accrued over the pandemic. As a first-generation college student and as the oldest child in my family, I was able to use this money towards my tuition to pursue my future degree and career, which eased some of the financial stress placed on my family. Thank you for the opportunity and support given to me as I continue to move forward in my education so that I may be an amazing nurse one day.

After graduation, I plan to…

After graduation, I plan to stay in Portland for a while. I am interested in working in med-surg after one of my clinical rotations but am also open to exploring more specialties in the future. I would like to try travel nursing someday so that I can explore new places and meet more people around the country.

Why did you choose your college and major?

I always knew I wanted to work in the medical field, but it was not until I attended a career fair meeting in one of my high school classes that I decided I wanted to be a nurse. Nursing appeals to me because of the close relationships nurses build with their patients and the flexibility among nursing specialties. I knew I wanted to stay in Portland so that I can stay close to my family. Many peers and acquaintances recommended the nursing program at the University of Portland. After attending a guided tour at the university, I found that I liked the atmosphere of the campus and the skilled nursing lab.

Lisa Lin

Hometown and State: Portland, OR
College or University Name: Warner Pacific University
Major: Nursing
Class Standing: Junior
Pronouns: She/Her

Why was this scholarship meaningful to you?

I am very thankful for this scholarship. I am attending school full time and working part time. This has lifted some weight off my back and I am grateful for being chosen. Thank you!

Why did you choose your college and major?

I planned to stay in my hometown close to my family and friends. Warner Pacific is local to me, and I decided to join their newly accredited nursing program. My goal is to create diversity, equity, and satisfaction in our healthcare system.

After graduation, I plan to…

I plan to move out of town, find a job, and experience what’s it like to live independently.

One of very few pictures of me and my mother. My parents are my biggest supporters.

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This was the day I was interviewed for admission into Corban University’s School of Education.

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Bethany Michels

Hometown and State: Gold Beach, OR
College or University Name: Corban University
Major: Elementary Education
Class Standing: Junior

Why was this scholarship meaningful to you?

Thank you for this scholarship. It helps me to pay my tuition as I continue to pursue higher education.

After graduation, I plan to…

After graduation, I'm not quite sure where I plan to go. I'm trusting that when I get to senior year, I will feel pulled towards a specific place. I know for certain that I want to teach in public Title 1 schools.

Why did you choose your college and major?

Walking onto Corban University’s campus as a high school junior truly felt like walking into a warm hug. In that moment, I immediately knew that this was the place that I needed to call home for the next four years, and that this was ultimately where God was calling me to be. Originally, I wasn't too sure about being an educator. However, I began to feel led into a profession where I could impact the lives of children. As I have pursued a career in education, I have realized the specific skill set that I have been given aligns with being an effective teacher.

Chris Olivia

Hometown and State: Portland, OR
College or University Name: Willamette University
Majors: Computer Science; Studio Art; Mathematics
Class Standing: Junior
Pronouns: He/They

Why was this scholarship meaningful to you?

This scholarship gives me the opportunity to continue my education; thank you for helping me to pay for my higher education and lessen my financial burden.

After graduation, I plan to…

I plan to go to graduate school for computer science, and i am looking into human-computer interaction. I also plan to still make art and do social justice work for my community.

Why did you choose your college and major?

I visited Willamette University and fell in love with the campus and the people. The Willamette community is very accepting and supportive, and I wanted to be a part of that. I chose my majors because I am passionate about all of my fields of study; I enjoy drawing and making art, but I also like learning about numbers and computers.

Ryleigh is smiling and wearing a maroon button up shirt in the art building.

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Ryleigh O’Neil

Hometown and State: Springfield, OR
College or University Name: Willamette University
Major: Sociology
Minor: Psychology
Class Standing: Senior
Pronouns: He/They

Why was this scholarship meaningful to you?

I am honored to be one of the recipients of the OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation Scholarship. As the first in my family to attend college and an individual from a lower-income family, I have been determined to graduate from Willamette University no matter what. However, I may not have never been able to continue attending Willamette without this financial support due to financial setbacks over the last couple of years. This financial support has truly allowed me to continue my education at Willamette. Thank you so much for your generous support!

Why did you choose your college and major?

Willamette University was my top choice when looking at colleges. The incredible faculty, staff, and students won me over right away during my first visit to campus. Once I started school at Willamette, I took a sociology class titled "Gender in Society" and from there my interest in sociology continued to grow. I started to realize that I would like to work in nonprofit and advocacy work. Due to this, I decided to major in sociology and minor in psychology.

After graduation, I plan to…

After graduation, I plan to work in nonprofit and advocacy work. Specifically, I plan to get involved with advocacy work for LGBTQIA2S+ individuals and housing-insecure youth. Currently, I am involved in my school’s Gender Resource and Advocacy Center (GRAC) in multiple ways. I am a co-facilitate for a transgender and gender non-conforming peer support group and co-presenter for SafeZone, an LGBTQIA2S+ competency training for on-campus organizations. Additionally, I work at my college’s coffee shop, the Bistro, and volunteer at the SOAR center, my college’s student-run food pantry and clothing share. I think that all these experiences will greatly benefit me in my future career!

Briana Phillips

Hometown and State: Portland, OR
College or University Name: George Fox University
Major: Psychology
Minor: Criminal Justice
Class Standing: Sophomore
Pronouns: She/Her

Why was this scholarship meaningful to you?

Thank you! This scholarship helps tremendously with my tuition. I am the first person in my family to attend college and am paying for college on my own with little support from my parents and other scholarships. I knew that it was going to be hard for me to pay for college since my family is middle-lower class and this scholarship lowers the amount of student loans I must borrow and prevents the mental distress later of having to pay them off.

Why did you choose your college and major?

I have always been interested in criminology, and psychology seemed like a good stepping stone for me. I am interested in psychology because it is a big part of who we are and how we interact with others; I find it interesting trying to understand and explain human's actions when we don't even fully understand ourselves. Additionally, it’s a way that we can try to figure out why criminals commit their crimes and how we can attempt stopping crime. I chose George Fox because it was one of the closest schools to home that I was interested in. I also heard great reviews from people I know about George Fox’s academic drive, strong sense of community, and being known personally by my professors.

After graduation, I plan to…

I plan to attend graduate school in-state and study Criminology. I want to study criminology because it is fascinating that a criminal may be raised the same exact way as many non-criminals but have an uncontrollable urge to commit crimes.

This is a picture of my parents and I on my moving in day this year.

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This is me doing the sport I love! First time hitting my PR for high jump.

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Jermaine Richards

Hometown and State: Eugene, OR
College or University Name: Bushnell University
Major: Exercise Science
Minor: Business
Class Standing: Freshman
Pronouns: He/Him

Why was this scholarship meaningful to you?

This scholarship really helps me on my journey through college. Thank you.

After graduation, I plan to…

Start my own physical therapy business and make music on the side.

Why did you choose your college and major?

I chose Bushnell University for track and field and the small community. Everyone here is really welcoming and nice and I'm glad to be attending here.

Aaron Shaw

Hometown and State: Portland, OR
College or University Name: Western Seminary
Major: Biblical Studies
Minor: Historical Perspectives of Judaism and Christianity in the 1st Century CE
Class Standing: Masters Student
Pronouns: He/Him

Why was this scholarship meaningful to you?

Historically, the field of biblical studies in Christian academic and religious communities have been undeniably slanted towards an anti-Jewish posture. For centuries, Jewish writings (and writings done by Jewish Christians) have been regarded as second rate or harmful. As a Jewish individual who has been on the receiving end of antisemitism, discrimination, ridicule, and defamation, a scholarship that enables my studies (albeit within a Christian institution) to continue my studies with this gift is beyond extraordinary. Overall, this allows more time to serve within the city investing into marginalized communities, and most of all, restoring an equitable perspectives and practices of Jewish perspectives within scholarship and Christian faith communities. Thank you for making this possible. Your generosity has alleviated one aspect of the discriminative difficulties and limited access that Jewish individuals have had within Christian institutions; especially where Jewish culture, ethnic backgrounds, and historical traumas have been routinely discredited for over two millennia at the hands of antisemitic faith leaders. Thank you endlessly.

Why did you choose your college and major?

To study under professors who attended tier 1 research institutions as preparation for PhD programs.

After graduation, I plan to…

Pursue a PhD focused on the Hebrew Bible, history of Judaism/Christian perspectives of the Bible, and antisemitism of Christians.

Me and my wife, Julia.

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Here’s a photo of my beautiful wife Haley and me at Cannon Beach on the Oregon Coast.

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Drew Tirado

Hometown and State: Portland, OR
College or University Name: Western Seminary
Major: Master Of Divinity
Class Standing: 1st Year Student

Why was this scholarship meaningful to you?

Academia has been an inescapably expensive endeavor. My family did not have a lot of extra money for my undergraduate studies, so all the funds came from working, scholarships, or student loans. Likewise, as I have pursued graduate studies, I have faced the constant challenge of making the process financially feasible.

I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to pursue higher education. My grandpa, who emigrated from Ecuador at a young age, worked hard to give his family chances he never had. My dad, his son, started having kids at 20 and never finished an undergraduate degree. My sister and I have both graduated from college, but I will be the first of my parents' kids to earn a master's degree. I am excited by this prospect as I honor the sacrifices of the generations before me, and truly appreciate the financial help offered by this scholarship from The Alliance and the OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation.

I believe that what I am studying adds something good to the world and am deeply grateful for any financial help I receive in pursuing this degree. I want to give a deep and heartfelt thank you for the generous scholarship funds. They go a long way toward helping me pursue my academic, personal, and professional goals.

Why did you choose your college and major?

I chose to pursue a Master of Divinity degree because I have a deep love for the Church and a conviction that what I am studying offers deep hope in some of the most hopeless places in our world. I want to serve as a pastor-theologian, and the MDiv is a perfect starting point. I hope to go further and earn a PhD in Theology as well.

I chose Western Seminary because they encourage diverse viewpoints in classroom discussion, strengthening the academic process, while not sacrificing central convictions of Christian orthodoxy and biblical authority. I was encouraged by the caliber of leaders and thinkers coming from the institution, and I wanted to attend. It also did not hurt that Western is in the stunningly pretty Pacific Northwest.

After graduation, I plan to…

serve as a pastor while chipping away at further academic study. I would love to earn a doctorate and serve as a pastor-theologian, caring for others while keeping one foot in academia.

Caitlin Truong

Hometown and State: Clackamas, OR
College or University Name: Pacific University
Major: Biology
Class Standing: Junior
Pronouns: She/Her

Why was this scholarship meaningful to you?

With this scholarship, I can further my education with confidence. I grew up with parents who never had the opportunity to access a higher education. It was difficult for us to find ways for me to access higher education, as well. This scholarship allows me to further my education and pursue the career I desire. With this scholarship, I am able to go and learn every day. I am so beyond honored and blessed to have been chosen and I can’t say thank you enough.

Why did you choose your college and major?

I chose Pacific University because it’s close to home. I try my best to see my parents every weekend. I also chose Pacific because they have an optometry college and that’s the field I plan to pursue. My major is biology, and I chose this because growing up I had the most interest in it and it also fits in with my planned career path.

After graduation, I plan to…

After I finish my undergrad, I plan to apply to Pacific University’s Optometry College.

This is a photo of my parents, my little brother Andrew, and me. I chose this photo because it shows how much my family means to me and how much fun I have with them. They’re one of my biggest educational motivators and supporters.

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The picture is of me and my father. I am on the right side. The photo was taken at the Oregon Coast while the sun was setting.

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Veronica Vesi

Hometown and State: Portland, OR
College or University Name: University of Portland
Major: Nursing
Class Standing: Senior
Pronouns: She/Her

Why was this scholarship meaningful to you?

This scholarship relieves my anxiety regarding paying for my tuition. It helps fund my choice to pursue nursing as a career. I am very thankful.

After graduation, I plan to…

After graduation, I plan to take my NCLEX exam and begin working. I would like to focus on operating room nursing or working in the NICU. I might go back to school and get a master’s in nursing or become a nurse practitioner.

Why did you choose your college and major?

My college is close to home and allowed me to stay with my family, especially helpful because we were unfamiliar with how college process works since I am the first-generation university student. I chose to study nursing because I enjoy science and want to help heal people. It is a good fit for me.

Danny Vu

Hometown and State: Portland, OR
College or University Name: Warner Pacific University
Major: Nursing
Class Standing: Junior
Pronouns: He/Him

Why was this scholarship meaningful to you?

Not only is this scholarship helping me to financially afford attending university, but it’s also something that has made me recognize my own academic achievement and potential. Thank you!

After graduation, I plan to…

After graduation, I plan to work as a nurse and take the time to explore higher education, such as a master’s degree, after a few years of experience in nursing. I want to pursue surgical nursing or become a research nurse.

Why did you choose your college and major?

I chose Warner Pacific University because of the diverse, small community. I enjoy being on a campus where I get to know my peers and my professors, building relationships that help further my experience in school. College can be hard, but by building those relationships, it'll allow me to learn from others. I chose nursing as my major because of its versatility. In nursing, you don't have to choose a specialty immediately and could explore the different kinds of fields.

This photo was taken when I went hiking to Ramona Falls! It was a beautiful hike and waterfall. The experience was dreamlike.

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