The wage gap between college and high school graduates is significant. College graduates earn an average of 67.3% more in annual median earnings (approx. $26,104) and are more likely to be “very satisfied” with their work.
In addition to higher income, there are other payoffs too. College graduates’ unemployment rate is significantly lower in thriving and struggling economies. They’re also more likely to enjoy better health, vote, volunteer, and be involved in their communities.
–Daniela Makowsli, Columbia Helicopters
‘12 George Fox University Alum
Personal attention and high-quality learning experiences – that’s what Oregon’s private colleges and universities are all about. Alliance institutions provide substantial value with effective and efficient learning opportunities that give graduates an advantage when transitioning into the workforce.
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– Kianna Green, Business Administration
Concordia University
Prospective students and their families often assume the “sticker” price is what attending a private nonprofit college or university is going to cost. Often, this is not the case.
Institutions regularly grant scholarships and aid to students. In 2016, 87% of students starting at Alliance institutions as full time received institutional grants. Further, the average institutional grant to these students was over $22,529 per year. This allowed over a quarter of students graduated with zero debt.
For students with loans, loan default rates for Alliance graduates are the lowest in the state, and half that of 4-year private nonprofit colleges nationwide.
-Maria Sandoval-Perez, College & Career Facilitator
‘11 Linfield College Alum
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